quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2019

Josele Sanchez - Spanish Heroe

Currently, Josele Sanchez is riddled with 8 complaints and innumerable crimes, the most important of which is related to the "Bar España case" in which the names of 42 pedophiles, judges, prosecutors, politicians, businessmen and owners of football clubs are divulged. supine the request for admission to prison. The judge has changed the provisional prison for withdrawal of the passport, sign every Monday in the court and prohibition to re-publish anything about this case, a prohibition that Josele Sánchez challenges every week by publishing more and more information since pedophilia is one of the pillars on which the Regime of 78 is based, which is the Spanish franquici of the New World Order. The remaining 7 complaints are for the crime of Islamophobia (accused along with 7 other editors of the Tribune of Spain, the newspaper that directs, by the Prosecutor for Hate Crimes), acccusation of hatred against the LGTBI collective, accusation of hatred against the " alleged "victim of" La Manda "(feminist collective) ... etc. Josele Sánchez directs the GRUPO Tribuna de España, which has become a reference point for dissident thinking. His professional background (after three decades as a war reporter, journalist and writer) and that of La Tribuna de España is in Metapedia (also in English verison)








Um pedido de ajuda aos nacionalistas portugueses

Caros nacionalistas,

Como sabem, dia 10 de Agosto de 2019, vamos organizar a conferência Internacional, em Lisboa, pelas 14 horas.

Pela primeira vez na história do nacionalismo português,  vamos ter vários oradores estrangeiros, representado Partidos, Movimentos e os Nacionalistas Autonomos da nossa Europa. Tendo já confirmados 7 oradores.

Este evento, vai ter uma enorme projeção europeia, e como consequência,  projectar ainda mais, a Nova Ordem Social.

Mas, tudo isto tem custos acrescidos,  desde o aluguer da Sala de Conferência, ao pagamento de algumas viagens e outras despesas de cortesia.

Pedimos a todos os nacionalistas que tenham capacidade financeira, para nos ajudarem nesta demanda.

O nosso IBAN:
PT50 0035 0822 0007 0362 4305 4

O nosso maior agradecimento.

Mário Machado
Nova Ordem Social