Hello Adrianna, it’s a pleasure to meet you and be able to interview you. I hope your words and answers will inspire nationalists from Portugal and other countries, and enable all to know more about the ONR.
Can you give us a brief introduction about the history, ideas and goals of the ONR?
Can you give us a brief introduction about the history, ideas and goals of the ONR?
I am very happy to be able to tell my Portuguese friends about my organization and my country. I hope you will know the ONR and we will support one another in the struggle for a nationalist, great Europe. From here I also greet all the New Social Order activists.

The National Radical Camp is a social movement that brings together young Poles who are close to such values as God, Honor, Homeland, Family, Tradition and Friendship. We are not a political party because we are not interested in participating in the oligarchic parliamentary games. Instead of cross-party jams and promising voters pears on willow, we prefer national activism. The area of our activities is very wide. We organize patriotic manifestations (we are the co-organizer of the March of Independence, the largest demonstration of this kind in postwar Poland), we oppose leftist propaganda, we cooperate with militant circles, we organize lectures, we conduct charitable activities (blood donations, donations for Children's homes and people in difficult situation) And we propagate the national idea using different methods. In our activities we combine ideological formation with activity, because we think that words not supported by the actions are only an empty slogan. We continue the work of our ideal ancestors, such as Roman Dmowski, Jan Mosdorf, Tadeusz Gluziński, Henryk Rossman and Adam Doboszyński. We are Nationalists of the 21st century, so our aim is not historicalism or sentimentalism, but continuous development and work on the revival of national and Catholic values. We do not want to stand aside and complain - we want to take matters into our own hands. We are opponents of Islamization of Europe, we have organized many manifestations against the reception of immigrants. We fight for Europe and Latin civilization. We operate on every level in which the Polish nation needs us, we profess the principle of national solidarity. Culture, history and tradition are also important for us. As a result, we are conducting an internet portal kierunki.info.pl, where we promote our publicist, we engage in the project of national media. We also have our own clothing brand - ProPatriae.pl. We are developing projects that promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity. We fight against drugs,etc. We also want to show in our actions that nature and the environment are important for us - cleanup and animal shelters. It is also important for us to work with other nationalist organizations across Europe.
For me, the atmosphere inside the organization is also important - we are one big family that can rely on and support each other not only in business but also in private life.
What political activities does the ONR engage in, and what are your long-term goals?
As I mentioned earlier, the ONR is not a political party, but of course we believe that politics affects every area of our lives. Every decision we make includes political elements, so we often raise such topics in our business.Together with pro life organizations we collect signatures that can contribute to the abortion law change, we believe that human life begins with conception and should be protected. In my province, which is connected with industry and mining, we support miners - common strikes. We carried out POL-exit actions throughout Poland, which showed the detriment of the activities of the European Union.
It is our duty to evaluate and look at Polish politicians. We also want to have a real impact on our local environment, so we engage in local governments and city councils.
It is our duty to evaluate and look at Polish politicians. We also want to have a real impact on our local environment, so we engage in local governments and city councils.
Our main goal, which is long-term, is obviously changing the Polish society. Presenting people with another model of thinking that will be devoid of propaganda, and focused on self-reliance. Rejection of consumerism, passivity. Greater awareness of national identity, historical events, memory of our heroes, but also the activism of the future. Poles have to take matters into their own hands, rule their country and take care of their interests. We affirm the Polish for Poles rule, which means that we are the host in our country, not some external entities. I know that a lot of young people in Poland are beginning to reject passivity and want to think in their own way, but it is a long way ahead. Road for many years to come. I hope we can contribute to this change.
What is the importance of metapolitical struggle for your movement?
As ONRs we are primarily Poles but also Europeans. The strong nationalist movement in our country is also beneficial to the part of Europe in which we are located. This is also visible in contacts between European organizations in our region - we can have a significant impact on what is going on in our states. We can be a force that defends our value and is able to push politicians on important issues such as immigrants. Personally, I have been on several demonstrations against them in Slovakia or the Czech Republic. We thinknot only ONR, but the whole nationalist movement in Poland has an impact on what is happening in Europe. Together we can make more.
As in any organization, there ware people in our organization whose fights are quickly discouraged and unable to persevere, so in the ONR stays the most loyal. People who refer to the former national movement in Poland who live for ideas. They devote all their time, their private lives often have problems at work or school, because they work in such a different environment. For us such obstacles are not important, we know that we do something that is in line with our attitude. I know that the work in the ONR is for me and for many of my Colleagues the meaning of earthly life, our duty is to grow and step on the path of a nationalist, which may not be easy, but flows from our burning souls.
What are the main issues facing your country at this moment and how would your movement solve them if it had political power?
In Poland there are many problems that our compatriots have to face. Surely emigration - a lot of young and educated people go to other countries for work. In addition, we have low wages and low pensions. Many Poles live in poverty, you can see the stratification of society. We are still dealing with the corruption and inefficiency of the political teams that rule the country. Poland is very hard place to enter into adult life, young people have difficulty finding a job or buying an apartment. On the other hand, many older people have no place to live or buy medicine. We are trying to help these people. Of course, there are also problems that can be seen in other countries, more spiritual in nature. Many people are passive, they pay no attention to another person. Poles are addicted to consumerism and drugs. Hence our struggle with addictions and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. I am personally very worried about the fate of Polish families, especially disabled parents. lonely parents or malnourished children. Social activity is very important for Polish nationalists, because seeing these problems, we know we have to act and change our reality.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself, how did you join the movement and what were your motivations to do so?
I am an ONR activist since 2011, currently I manage one of the brigades of our organization, which covers the entire Silesian region. I also manage the internet portal I mentioned earlier - kierunki.info.pl additionally I also write articles myself. I am also on the board of the National Organization of Women, which brings together many girls from all over Poland. I have long been interested in the history of my country, one day I just wanted to get involved in the business. Do shares and develop an organization that will take care of a better fate of Poles. I participate in all walks, lectures or demonstrations. I spend all my free time and I know that the nationalist way is for me. Privately I graduated - Polish philology and I work. My interests are on many levels - I love reading books, swimming and going to the theater. The fate of animals and ecology is important to me.
What role do women have in our organization and how can nationalists attract more women to our ideas?
When I started my business there were very few women. We all knew each other and supported the cause. Nowadays, women are definitely more than before. Girls began to be interested in the affairs of the country, they also know how important the role of a woman in a traditional family is. Unfortunately, in today's world, there are many threats to the family - deviations, “gender spectrum” . It is women who must defend the highest values. The only place that allows them to act in harmony with one another is the nationalist movement. I am convinced that there will be even more of us and that, together with our colleagues, we will defend our principles and take care of our homeland.
I believe that women are patient and systematically carrying out the duties entrusted to them. It is very important in the development of every organization. Ladies have a lot of ideas, and at the same time know what values and rules they are fighting for. Both me and my Colleagues from many countries know how important our role in defense of life, family and country is. Let's remember that women are raising new generations and their role is irreplaceable in society. Nationalists in addition know that engagement and activity in national movements allows them to develop a personal issues that will surely help them in shaping successive generations of proud Europeans.
How important do you think cooperation between nationalists from various nations is, and what is Europe for you?
I have met nationalists from other countries - Italy, Hungary or Spain, and now I also have contact with you. I think this is a very important issue because there is nothing more valuable than working with people who have similar values to me. I am sure that such relationships are the future for our countries and nations. I know that sooner or later creatures such as the European Union will fall and this will be an opportunity to create a Europe of free nations that care about the interests of their countries but cooperate and respect others.
Such relationships are also a very good exchange of information, diagnosis of problems in Europe, working out common solutions. Of course, also prosaic - spending a good time at a joint ceremony, I hope that soon the activists of your organization will visit Poland. I sincerely invite you!
Such relationships are also a very good exchange of information, diagnosis of problems in Europe, working out common solutions. Of course, also prosaic - spending a good time at a joint ceremony, I hope that soon the activists of your organization will visit Poland. I sincerely invite you!
Thanks again for this interview
We wish you much success in your fight for a better Poland.
Last words belong to you.

Last words belong to you.
Thank you very much for the offer of interview. I am happy to be able to present to you in a brief our organization. I wish you all the successes, the development of your association and the real changes that might occur in your beautiful country. I hope that our common attitude will be a model for the rest of Europe, which will wake up and begin to return to its roots. Greetings.
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