Q: Hi, it’s very nice to talking with you. First, maybe say us about NOS. Your organization is rather not big and not many people hear about you. Also you are young movement, like Szturmowcy (Sturmtroppers). Can you tell polish readers of Szturm about you? How long you are exist, where you are active, what’s your objective?
We are also happy to establish contact with your movement, it’s a pleasure to meet a group that shares so much with us in terms of ideology and goals. 
Our organization is very recent and was reactivated just several months ago. It came out of the fact that there is no genuine nationalist movement in our country at this point. Previously there was a nationalist party called PNR (National Renewal Party), however it became ideologically compromised which lead to the people who now form NOS leaving it. At this point PNR is a populist right-wing party at best.
NOS was founded by Mário Machado, a long-time activist for the cause since his 14 years. It was created while he was in prison, (he was punished by the system mainly because of his political ideas, “hate speech”, and thought-crime, as well as some mistakes of youth which they readily used with opportunism).
Since then our movement has been growing, Mário is now free and able to guide the movement, and this makes all of us very happy; the best days nationalism has had in our country were when he was leading and working fully for the cause.
We have cells all over the country and we are present in the real world, having done gatherings, demos, solidarity actions, street activism, etc. I’m very optimist about the future of our movement.
Our goals are at first to create a strong and powerful movement and political party, which supports our people through solidarity actions, does metapolitical struggle changing the culture and ideas of our country, and perhaps one day take power, or assist a friendly external force at transforming our country and expanding a possible nationalist geopolitical bloc.
Our ultimate goal is the creation of a identitarian geopolitical union of European peoples, encompassing as much as possible all regions of the globe with predominantly European population, thus ensuring a future for our people and civilization. For this extremely ambitious but necessary goal, we hope to cooperate with like minded movements, such as you at Szturmowcy or Ukraine’s National Corps. We share the gold of the ‘Reconquista’.

Our organization is very recent and was reactivated just several months ago. It came out of the fact that there is no genuine nationalist movement in our country at this point. Previously there was a nationalist party called PNR (National Renewal Party), however it became ideologically compromised which lead to the people who now form NOS leaving it. At this point PNR is a populist right-wing party at best.
NOS was founded by Mário Machado, a long-time activist for the cause since his 14 years. It was created while he was in prison, (he was punished by the system mainly because of his political ideas, “hate speech”, and thought-crime, as well as some mistakes of youth which they readily used with opportunism).
Since then our movement has been growing, Mário is now free and able to guide the movement, and this makes all of us very happy; the best days nationalism has had in our country were when he was leading and working fully for the cause.
We have cells all over the country and we are present in the real world, having done gatherings, demos, solidarity actions, street activism, etc. I’m very optimist about the future of our movement.
Our goals are at first to create a strong and powerful movement and political party, which supports our people through solidarity actions, does metapolitical struggle changing the culture and ideas of our country, and perhaps one day take power, or assist a friendly external force at transforming our country and expanding a possible nationalist geopolitical bloc.
Our ultimate goal is the creation of a identitarian geopolitical union of European peoples, encompassing as much as possible all regions of the globe with predominantly European population, thus ensuring a future for our people and civilization. For this extremely ambitious but necessary goal, we hope to cooperate with like minded movements, such as you at Szturmowcy or Ukraine’s National Corps. We share the gold of the ‘Reconquista’.
Q: You are saying about you „portuguese social-nationalist, identitarian and pan-European movement 'New Social Order'”. Can you bring closer your ideology and components: nationalism in social version, identarism, paneuropism.
Yes. Firstly we don’t conceive nationalism without socialism. Nationalism implies an organic society, and for this, the whole must be put above the individual or sectarian interests, this is what we call socialism. But our socialism is of course non-marxist, as we recognize the Laws of Nature, the necessity for hierarchy, and the inequality omnipresent in Nature.
We are identitarian because we believe identity (the defining factor in the formation of groups and communities) is something with intrinsic worth and that must be preserved as an unadulterated evolutionary entity in progression. We tend to associate with those with whom we are more similar, which is a universal phenomenon in the natural world, that emerged everywhere out of evolutionary laws (it is evolutionarily helpful to support those with whom we share more similarity), and so, for this reason, we think the best type of society is an homogeneous one, as it would be more united, organic and healthy.
We conceive various levels of identity, and the ones which we are more concerned with are the ethnical/charnal (common language, tradition, history, origin), and the racial/civilizational (common biology, civilization, spirit). We think both these levels should have a corresponding recognition in political organization, that is; a civilizational federation of ethno-regions.
We are of course pan-European, as we hold our civilizational/biocultural identity as a higher value in and of itself, and also because we believe that in the modern world, only big geopolitical blocs can be important political players and be able to engage in big-scale projects and decisions. It is certain that if we Europeans want to have a future worthy of our past, we must unite.
We are identitarian because we believe identity (the defining factor in the formation of groups and communities) is something with intrinsic worth and that must be preserved as an unadulterated evolutionary entity in progression. We tend to associate with those with whom we are more similar, which is a universal phenomenon in the natural world, that emerged everywhere out of evolutionary laws (it is evolutionarily helpful to support those with whom we share more similarity), and so, for this reason, we think the best type of society is an homogeneous one, as it would be more united, organic and healthy.
We conceive various levels of identity, and the ones which we are more concerned with are the ethnical/charnal (common language, tradition, history, origin), and the racial/civilizational (common biology, civilization, spirit). We think both these levels should have a corresponding recognition in political organization, that is; a civilizational federation of ethno-regions.
We are of course pan-European, as we hold our civilizational/biocultural identity as a higher value in and of itself, and also because we believe that in the modern world, only big geopolitical blocs can be important political players and be able to engage in big-scale projects and decisions. It is certain that if we Europeans want to have a future worthy of our past, we must unite.
Q: As pan-European nationalists, you are supporting attempt to create bigger politic organism in Europe, supranational or you support to cooperate national states in current form of this states?
We are flexible to some degree, but we tend to support a federal arrangement. A federation of ethno-regions or ethno-states.
Q: NOS is social-nationalist movement. What is your attitude to capitalism, his effects and form of functioning? I know that you critizing capitalism, what’s your proposition alternative for capitalism?
As we exposed in our manifesto, we think that Capitalism is an aspect of Liberalism that makes Man lose its transcendent values and reduces all its interests to money and to the goods and pleasures that it can buy. It’s thanks to Liberalism that we live in materialist, degraded, degenerated and decadent society, where all is relativized and where immemorial values such as Courage, Honor or Nation are seen by many as ridiculous fetiches…
As an alternative to this degenerated worldview and system, the New Social Order advocates Social Nationalism. That is, not a socialism centered in the goal of distributing uniformly material goods or money, but one based in the idea of the service of the individual to the superior good of the national community, in an organic and hierarchical society which is healthily competitive.
As an alternative to this degenerated worldview and system, the New Social Order advocates Social Nationalism. That is, not a socialism centered in the goal of distributing uniformly material goods or money, but one based in the idea of the service of the individual to the superior good of the national community, in an organic and hierarchical society which is healthily competitive.
Q: What is your, as a pan-European nationalists, attitude to chauvinism and revisionism? At all is place on this elements now?
We believe that only idiots can hold such positions. Anyone with the minimum of discernment and rationality can see that no individual European people will survive or have a future without cooperating with its brother peoples, isolating itself is not an option. Perhaps it was not that stupid (though still was repulsive) hundreds of years ago when the world belonged to Europeans, but today, it’s insanity.
Nationalist movements would do well in purging these morons out, as we don’t have anything to gain from their presence, on the contrary.
Nationalist movements would do well in purging these morons out, as we don’t have anything to gain from their presence, on the contrary.
Q: What is your main form of nationalists activism and working of your organization? What actions you realize, what’s main field of your nationalist concern?
At this point we are still trying to grow and become established. As i’ve said, we have done solidarity actions, demos, propaganda, street activism, etc. In the future, when we become a powerful movement, we aim to work both on the political and metapolitical level.
Q: How goverment and politics react on your activity and nationalism at all in Portugal? Nationalism has social acceptance?
Unfortunately not much… Our people has little attachment to our roots and ethnic identity, and the fact that we were a thalassocratic colonial power didn’t help at all. We aim to work to change the culture and mentality of our people, to approach ourselves of Eastern Europe, culturally and politically.
There is a very strong repression from the government, and our national constitution and national laws were made to accommodate both Communism and Liberalism, while excluding Nationalism/Third Position.
There is a very strong repression from the government, and our national constitution and national laws were made to accommodate both Communism and Liberalism, while excluding Nationalism/Third Position.
Q: In your opinion what is main enemy of Europe? Capitalism, liberalism, cultural Marxism, or maybe something else, or maybe all of this elements?
The alliance of Liberalism (established in the economy) and Marxism (established in culture/social organization). Both of them working in an integrated way towards the destruction of the central value of Nationalism (the value of Nation and Identity), by promoting Globalism and biocultural entropy.
Q: Portugal, like Spain, In Poland is connote to large religiosity and attachment to Catholicism. What is yours attidude to religion as such, Catholicism and significance religiosity in current Europe? NOS has certain religion character or you are distance to this?
No, we don’t associate exclusively with one religion. Besides christians we have many pagans in our movement (me included). However we favor the ideal of spirituality in whatever positive form it may come. We think that spirituality is natural to Humanity, and without transcendent values, be it God, Nature, the gods, Spirit, Love, Honor, Justice, Man becomes a degenerate materialist being, only concerned with material pleasure and money, leading to chaos and destruction of society.
Q: In your manifest you are writing about identity, you hark back to criteria of nationality. Now in Poland also, after 11th November, is going discussion about this. Who in your opinion may be Portuguese and European? What’s citeria, ”constraints”, which elements building nationality and national identity?
It’s impossible to discriminate based on race or ethnicity according to our country’s laws. So, we don’t do it. We support the criteria for citizenship for Europe and Portugal as being born of both European mother and European father (a simplification of the Law of Pericles), and we would set an old date of reference at which we would consider all people born in Europe as Europeans (thus excluding immigrants that have acquired nationality). People of European descent outside Europe would be included of course.
Q: What is your attitude do Nature, ecology, in ideology NOS is place for issues like this? I asking you, because many movements, also in Poland- Szturmowcy or GLF, touch upon issue like this.
Ecology is important to us, in fact, the green color in our in our symbol represents Nature and it’s Laws. Nature is our mother, creator and sustainer. We have the duty to respect It and preserve It.
Q: I know that you are interesting our conference 10 th november and Black Block on Independence March. What’s yours attidude, organization of event like this makes sense and may change situation, foul on discussion and ideas of “normal” peopes? How you like relations with Black Block, this is how have look like radical nationalism?
We support all forms of true nationalism within the law. We don’t have such types of movements in Portugal yet, but we would gladly cooperate.
Q: Last questions is about geopolitics. You are writing with large sympathy about National Corps and Azov (Ukraine), you think that our cooperate with Ukrainians nationalists is very positive, you support Intermarium project. You think that Intermarium may be a chance for Europe rebirth, something what will begin process positive, nationalist change of our continent?
Yes! We are extremely hopeful and enthusiastic about the Intermarium project! Unfortunately, being realistic, i think the Western part of our civilization is moving towards a very dark future… demographically, economically, culturally, etc. So we see eastern Europe as beacon of hope a light, preserving true Europe while all the rest around degrades into ruins.
We believe the future of our half of European civilization may be to face a civil ethnic and religious war, while at the same time our people is weak, apathetic, without values, ideals, or motivation. Given this, it may very well be that the geopolitical power of the Intermarium will be the saviour of Europa, expanding and regenerating the rest of the Western World after it falls into chaos, destruction and degradation.
We are specially thankful for the AZOV militaries, which included (and still includes) people not only from Ukraine but from all the European world. They fought fiercely and bravely for Europe impeding the Eurasian invader, and thanks to their effort, not only did Ukraine survive, but it now holds the most powerful pan-European nationalist movement in the world, with a huge military organization, metapolitical groups, activist groups, all very determined in the struggle as the militaries were during the war.
Ukraine, the land where our Indo-European ancestors emerged, is now specially, among the eastern countries, a beacon of hope for the future of our European people. I believe it will be a matter of time before Ukrainian nationalists are controlling the government. From then on the Reconquista will start - Ukraine, Intermarium and the whole Europe!
We believe the future of our half of European civilization may be to face a civil ethnic and religious war, while at the same time our people is weak, apathetic, without values, ideals, or motivation. Given this, it may very well be that the geopolitical power of the Intermarium will be the saviour of Europa, expanding and regenerating the rest of the Western World after it falls into chaos, destruction and degradation.
We are specially thankful for the AZOV militaries, which included (and still includes) people not only from Ukraine but from all the European world. They fought fiercely and bravely for Europe impeding the Eurasian invader, and thanks to their effort, not only did Ukraine survive, but it now holds the most powerful pan-European nationalist movement in the world, with a huge military organization, metapolitical groups, activist groups, all very determined in the struggle as the militaries were during the war.
Ukraine, the land where our Indo-European ancestors emerged, is now specially, among the eastern countries, a beacon of hope for the future of our European people. I believe it will be a matter of time before Ukrainian nationalists are controlling the government. From then on the Reconquista will start - Ukraine, Intermarium and the whole Europe!
Q: Thanks for interview, you want to say something to readers of „Szturm”?
We also thank you very much for your interest in our organization and your comradeship. I would say to the readers of Szturm that Poland has a very important role to play in the future of our civilization, and thus an even higher responsibility lies in the hands of polish nationalists. Poland is a big country, with a favorable culture, you have a big chance of establishing yourselves and help in the creation of the Intermarium.
Forget petty rivalries, today we will stand together or die forever as a people.
The heart of Europe is now there where you are, and our dear civilization and people depends on us all. We are all with you in your effort, and your victory will be a victory for us all.
Hail Victory!
Forget petty rivalries, today we will stand together or die forever as a people.
The heart of Europe is now there where you are, and our dear civilization and people depends on us all. We are all with you in your effort, and your victory will be a victory for us all.
Hail Victory!
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